Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

Functional Text : Letters

Personal Letter
Personal letters are written in an informal situation usually between two people who know each other very well. Personal letters usually contain  :

  • asking about one's condition
  • telling about one's condition
  • telling and asking about what one's experience
  • etc.
That information could be found in the body of the letter. However there is still other information that needs to be paid attention, including :
  • when/where the letter is written (date, month, year and place)
  • who wrote the letter (the sender of the letter)
  • to whow the letter is adressed (the adressee)
  • the relationship between the writer and the receiver
  • etc.
Example :

Business Letter
Business letter are writen in a formal situation. It is usually between two people representing two companies, or between two people within the same company but different division. The word used in this letter are mostly formal ones.
Business letters include :
  • Asking about the price of products
  • Giving information about the latest product
  • Asking about the continuation of an agreement/MoU
  • etc
Example :

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